
Why Your Trail Running Pack Needs To Help Keep You Hydrated

Staying hydrated during any kind of exercise or physical activity is one of the best ways to optimize performance. The symptoms of dehydration can include weakness, fatigue, and cramping, which is obviously not conducive to getting the most out of any athletic endeavour. Runners who spend long periods of time in the outdoors while sweating and breaking down their body tissues on runs of several miles have special concerns due to the possibility of improper hydration. Fluids are routinely lost through sweat while running, and they need to be replaced consistently. Over time, this lack of proper hydration can result in serious health problems if not addressed. Despite the potential for improper hydration, many runners go for miles at a time in the wilderness through trails without access to proper hydration or nourishment unless they plan ahead. One of the most convenient ways to provide proper hydration is to wear a trail running backpack that is specially designed to help keep runner

Best Gear for Trail Runners

Trail Running this Summer

Trail Running Backpack